Monday, June 14, 2010

Sisterly Love

The other night Anna came running in to tell me some serious news. Hallie had called her a "twert".

Anna was deeply offended by this.

I hope "twert" is all they are calling each other when they are teenagers...


Krista said...

hahaha!! That's funny!! It reminds me of when I was little and I called everyone "babies" and it was a really mean when I would call them "baby, baby!" Anna's funny!!

P.S. I want to come and see the baby! Maybe we should do lunch with Meghan!!

Alyssa said...

that is cute!

Brianne said...

that is so funny! I hope that "twert" is all my kids say :) even now

tessa said...

Funny girls. We miss you. It's fun to see little snippets on here to remind us why:)

About Me

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Phoenix, Arizona
I am a stay at home mom of 4 beautiful, energetic children. Anna is 6, Hallie is 5, Linc is 3 and Port is our newest addition. Randy and I have been married for 8 years and love every minute that we get together.