Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7 months

Couldn't resist posting this one!


After a bachelors degree, a masters degree, 2 years of supervised clinical work, and a few long state board exams (that he passed!!) Randy finally received his independent license (he is a social worker). He just recently started his own therapy practice and I couldn't be more proud of him. He is definetly my therapist of choice :).

Opening the envelope...

A very expensive piece of paper that took over 8 years to get!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Family Pictures

Well, another year has gone by. In our last family pictures, I was pregnant with Port. I was sick, a little bit fluffier than usual, and really didn't like my outfit. This time around I felt great, am a little closer to my normal size, and had an outfit that was put together by my 2 much more stylish sisters. The pictures were taken by Misty's husband, Tyler. He is having a lot of fun with their new camera and did a fantastic job. And yes, I did promise the kids candy and the hubby football if they behaved. They did.

Anna really didn't smile in any of the pictures. I still love all of her pics though. They are sassy, and so is she.

My 4 babies. I love these little people.

More little people. Notice Port kind of sitting up?

My favorite people ever.

This baby gets cuter everyday. Really. He is also our only kid with blue eyes. I never knew how much I would be captivated by blue eyes. 100% captivated I am.

I love this man. Forever.

This might be my favorite picture of the whole shoot. The girls were not posed at all for this picture. They are just girly enough to pose themselves...vogue!

Best friends and sisters...except when they fight over clothes!

The girls and I.

I love that Linc smiles so big. Cheese!

Hallie looks like a beautiful, blonde doll in this picture.

Well we did it. Can't wait until next year. What kind of pictures will 2011 bring?

About Me

My photo
Phoenix, Arizona
I am a stay at home mom of 4 beautiful, energetic children. Anna is 6, Hallie is 5, Linc is 3 and Port is our newest addition. Randy and I have been married for 8 years and love every minute that we get together.