Monday, September 15, 2008


I have been a little sporadic in my posts, but a few fun things have happened that I wanted to share!

Our little Hallie girl started pre-school. I (as usual) am trying to save a buck, so there is a group of 5 moms (6 kids, we have a set of twins in there!)and we are rotating houses. So 2 days a week, for 2 hours she goes. She was SO excited on her first day of school, and is quite the student. Hallie has always been my "learner"...she loves to read, write and name her letters, and watches Anna do her homework. I am so glad that she has her little pre-school! It is weird to have a few hours to myself (Linc naps during that time). I think that I could get used to having my kids at school!

On Saturday night we took the kids to the Diamondbacks game. They had won tickets from the library summer reading program (remember that?). They have been over-the-top excited to go, and all day waited anxiously to leave. So we drive downtown, Randy parks, wait in line to get the tickets, haul the gang inside (all the while trying to keep 3 children under the age of 6 together and avoid the mobs of people), take everyone potty, climb up to the nosebleeds with the slow-pokes (they are library tickets, remember?), climb over people to our seats, sit down. Whew. We couldn't have been sitting more than 5 minutes before Anna insisted that she had to go potty. Down we go again, use the potty, climb back up, climb over people, sit down. Needless to say, we only lasted 3 innings. Anna kept asking when the game was going to start. I had to tell her that the game already DID start...this, my dear, is baseball...not a Hannah Montana concert! Hallie was good until we ran out of food to feed her. Linc loved clapping when everyone else did, and wanted to make friends with all of the nacho eating/beer drinking fans around us. Chalk it up to another McBride adventure! I hope Linc likes sports so Randy gets to go to sports and actually stay and watch the game!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sick days....

So my little Linc has been running a fever for a few days, and thanks to a great doctor friend we don't think that he has an ear infection. On top of that, Hallie girl was quite cranky this morning (tantrums galore, are we still 2? I think not!) finally I realized that she had joined her brother on the dark side with a fever. Anna came home from school (I figured that she and I would team up and nurse our little babies back to health)...sure enough by 3:30 she was laying on the couch with a fever. Talk about wild. This is my first experience of having all 3 of my children sick at once. Lets just say that I was quite glad to have Randy home at 5:15. However wild it was, there are a few good things about the little guys being sick:

- I didn't have to cook dinner...Mr. Wonderful felt so bad for me he bought me Taco Del Mar....yum!
- The kids were begging to go to sleep by 6:30...Randy and I actually got to snuggle and watch a new show that came on at 7:00 (Fringe)
- I got to hold my kids more than I normally do. There is nothing that tugs on my heart like a little warm body in my arms
- The kids didn't drag out as many toys as the typically do this afternoon (lets be honest, less mess is always a good thing)

As wonderful as all of these things are, I am sad that the little munchkins are sick. It was odd not to hear the giggles, to have nobody begging for a snack, to not have to race someone to the phone when it rang...they all just layed around and watched me. Hopefully this setback will be shortlived and we will be back to the normal chaos soon...I will keep you posted!

About Me

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Phoenix, Arizona
I am a stay at home mom of 4 beautiful, energetic children. Anna is 6, Hallie is 5, Linc is 3 and Port is our newest addition. Randy and I have been married for 8 years and love every minute that we get together.